Pay It Forward
We know how important running events are to the community. They're a chance to take a break from everyday life and be in the company of likeminded individuals working toward a shared goal. So, the pay it forward scheme is our way of helping people through the current cost of living crisis by offering free entries to those who need it most. These entries will have either been pledged by us, or donated by another person.
If you would like to join us at one of our events but times are tough and you simply can't afford it, please reach out and if we have entries available, you can have one, no questions asked. So, if you're in a position where you would love to come to an event but could really use the help, then please get in touch.
If you want to donate an entry, whether that is by paying for a place to be added to the pot or giving your current place away if you can no longer make it, then we would love to hear from you.